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HG208/416 集团电话
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China group telephone 208
Source:上海沪光通讯设备有限公司广东广州办事处 电话交换机 程控电话交换机 集团电话总机 厂家批发零售 安装维修 宾馆酒店数字交换机 防雷排配线箱 | Time:2013/10/15 10:46:15 | Views:


HG-80 Private Branch Exchange

HG Group telephone
The price
Si ze
 Hu guang

HG-416/208 Group telephone
A detailed description
You are welcome to choose telephone HG - 416/208 group. HG - 416/208 group telephone combines both the advantages of domestic and international numerous group telephone, but also has advanced functions of SPC exchange, has a unique advantage in technology innovation, is a function of a variety of powerful business office of the new group telephone, is the user units to improve the communication conditions, improve the work efficiency, control the cost spending, raise the level of intelligent office ideal communications equipment.
The main function
U  The rope way non-blocking exchange
U Caller id function (FSK and DTMF double system compatible)
U Automatic IP phone exhaled, cost saving
U Perimeter inbound can direct extension, can be recorded since 2 period of voice
U Exhale more level limit; Breathe out time limit; Dial the code limit limits; Password restrictions; Charter code restrictions
U Flexible set a variety of service functions; Exhale hotline. Don't disturb busy callback; Displacement transfer; A busy era; To answer the ringing, generation dial the outside; Secretarial services
The switchboard evictions outside threats music selection
U Operator can be flexible and simple setting, the setting is not affected by power outages, can keep unchanged for a long time
U   Perimeter switch first to fourth extension to case of power failure
The main technical parameters
Exchange format: Simulation of air separation
Phone cord:   Four rope way    Eight cord
Inside a dial tone: 450HZ
Inside back to zero tone:   450HZ 1 second pass 4 seconds off
Confirm the sound: 450HZ Stop after 0.7 seconds
Insider ringing: 1 seconds of vibration   Stop for 4 seconds
Perimeter inbound ringing: 0.7 seconds Stay up to 0.7 seconds
0.7 seconds     Stay up to 2.5 seconds
The power supply: AC220V  ±10%  50Hz
Power consumption: <15W
Si ze    310mm×200mm×45mm
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